Well, I’ll tell you the answer in just a minute.
(And trust me, it’s going to surprise you.)
It can shrink a bloated, pregnant-looking stomach, and transform it into a flat, sexy tummy…
Just like it did for me:
All while retraining your body to poop like clockwork, with the regularity of a
Swiss Watch.
You’re not going to want to miss this.
Helped me END my 8-year battle with severe constipation, bloating, and IBS…
By leading me to the discovery of a weird, but shockingly simple 7-second “marshmallow trick”.
One that helped me flush out 10 pounds of stuck, rotten, dried-out poop in less than a week...
Shrinking my bloated belly into a flat, sexy tummy that my husband just can’t get enough of.
Best of all, I’m enjoying painless, satisfying poops every single morning — like clockwork.
And I know this “marshmallow trick” might sound weird…
But oddly enough, it doesn’t involve...
And in just a few moments...
Folks like Cindy H. 65, from Chicago, who says…
“I had bloating and constipation for years. No stool softener helped. Then I watched Jennifer’s video. Oh my god! It worked the very same day I tried it. So far, I’ve lost 25 lbs and have lots of energy now!” †
- Cindy H (65), Chicago
Or Rick T. 53, from Washington, who says…
“I was very skeptical at first. But by Day 4, BOOM. I pooped more than I ever have in my life. For the next 10 days, I felt lighter, and relieved myself daily—sometimes, 2–3 times a day! Now, I’ve lost 10 lbs and never felt better. TRY IT!”†
- Rick T (53), Washington
Or Andrew H. 57, from Michigan, who says…
“I usually had a constipation problem, especially when I traveled. I just never could ‘go’ when I traveled. Now, I have ZERO problems. No bloating. No weird gas. Even my energy and libido are through the roof.”†
- Andrew H (57), Michigan
See, it works by targeting something this top Italian medical researcher calls “Mummy Gut”.
“Mummy Gut” occurs when your gut “mummifies” everything you eat.
And just like how the ancient Egyptians would dry out dead bodies with a special kind of salt…
A “mummy gut” will dry out poop that goes through it…
That’s where the “Marshmallow Trick” comes in.
While effortlessly flushing out YEARS of stuck poop.
And while that might sound like a laxative…
This “Marshmallow Trick” is totally different.
In fact, once you try this 7-second "Marshmallow Trick" for yourself…
You’ll feel all that toxic, rock-hard “mummy poop” instantly soften…
Until it’s squishy like a marshmallow...
Leading to one of the most smoothly satisfying poops of your life.
That way, you can wake up each morning and look forward to a full and satisfying release.
You’ll be free from the pain and bloating…
The constant worrying about finding a bathroom…
And the embarrassment of looking 6 months pregnant because you can’t poop.
And even if you're thinking...
“Sure, Jennifer, but my constipation is
REALLY bad…”
Plus, I’ll show you the weird “Italian Sprinkle” that’s so powerful at flushing away TOXIC gut bacteria that it was used during the Bubonic Plague...
And I’ll tell you about the strange “French Butter” used by NASA astronauts that can rehydrate your gut lining...
As well as the delicious “Egyptian Syrup” that’s 50x SWEETER than table sugar, but was used by ancient queens like Nefertiti to stay regular.
So please read this short page to the very end.
It’s very frank. Honest.
And NOT for the faint of heart.
But if you’re desperately looking for a solution that can FINALLY flush out pounds of rotting, toxic poop from your gut for GOOD…
Like I said, my name’s Jennifer.
I'm in my 60s, still happily married, and blessed with 4 amazing grandkids.
My belly was ALWAYS bloated.
And it’s hard to admit this… but it made me look fat.
My clothes felt tight and uncomfortable.
And the constant gas and stomach noises were so embarrassing.
So of course, I tried EVERYTHING to fix it.
Fiber supplements, laxatives, cleanses — you name it.
Tried it.
Didn’t work a damn.
The only thing I DIDN’T try was drinking a gallon of Drano.
Honestly, I felt betrayed.
Like my body had TURNED on me.
As if I wasn’t already doing that!
And then when their prescription laxatives didn’t work, they’d start trying to convince me “it was all in my head”.
So I was stuck feeling heavy, “blocked up”, and gross all the time.
Plus, I knew it wasn’t good for me.
So I knew my constipation was putting my health at risk…
But after the party started…
I felt my stomach cramp up something fierce...
So I quietly excused myself and made a beeline for the bathroom.
I sat on that cold toilet seat, straining and pushing…
My face turning beet red, as tears poured down my face from the pain.
Honestly, I thought I was going to pass out.
I sat there, helpless; silently praying for some relief...
That's when I heard my grandson’s little voice, right outside the door...
"Grammy, are you okay in there?
Did you go to Heaven?"
“Grammy?! Grammy!? Are you making stinkies?”
I felt my face go hot as I quickly buried it in my hands.
When I finally emerged from the bathroom, pale and shaking…
My grandson ran up to me, tears in his eyes, asking,
"Grammy, why didn’t you sing
‘Happy Birthday’
with me?"
That’s when I realized that I had missed the precious moment I spent so much time preparing for.
A memory I’d NEVER get back.
My "stomach issues" weren't just wrecking my body...
They were robbing me of precious memories with the people I loved most.
Worst of all, the “usual advice” had already failed me.
So I got down on my knees and prayed to God for some kind of relief.
And if you had told me then that in a few short weeks, I'd stumble onto an actual solution...
I might’ve laughed in your face.
But as God would have it, that's exactly what happened.
And it was easier than I ever could've imagined.
See, a few days after the disastrous birthday disaster…
I got a call from my best friend’s daughter.
Because she invited me to this little gathering where some bigshot researcher named
Alex Del Pizzo*** who was giving a talk.
"You gotta come, Jen!"
Sarah gushed.
"I bet he could totally
help you!”
I'll admit, I was pretty skeptical…
The last thing I wanted was to hear some pompous health expert tell me to eat more oatmeal and drink prune juice.
But Sarah insisted…
So I threw on some stretchy pants and headed over.
He looked young, maybe in his early 40s…
With this crazy thick head of dark hair that made him look like some kind of mad scientist…
But when he started talking about the latest research on how to heal your gut…
I was blown away.
He was talking about people who were just like me…
Constantly gassy, bloated,
and constipated…
Who are now living incredible, happy, and active lives…
A reality that would have been completely impossible before…
It awakened something in me.
A little spark of hope that maybe…
Just maybe…
Well, after Del Pizzo finished his talk…
I went to go find Sarah.
"Sarah!" I gasped.
"What are you doing?
I thought you couldn’t
eat bread!”
She just laughed and took another big bite.
"I can now!" she grinned, her mouth full.
"Ever since I started following Del Pizzo's advice, I can eat whatever
I want!”
My jaw was practically on the floor.
Then, as if she could read my mind…
Sarah grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the front of the room.
"Come on,"
she said excitedly.
"I'll introduce you to Alex. I bet he can help you too."
My heart started racing as we approached him…
"Alex," Sarah said with a huge smile.
"I want you to meet my friend, Jennifer.
She's been struggling with awful digestive issues for years like I was, and I think you're the only one who can
help her."
Alex turned to look at me…
“Normally, I’m backed up for months…”
he said, flashing a wicked smile…
“Backed up with appointments
and patients, of course.”
“But,” he said with a wink,
“I’m sure I can squeeze
you in.”
So the next week, we met on one of those “Zoom” calls
I was pretty nervous.
But Alex was calm as could be.
He went on to explain that most people THINK they get constipated because they don’t eat enough fiber or drink enough water.
Like a big, wet ball of dough...
And this sticky “blob” of fiber can actually get stuck inside you!
One study of 63 people even found that removing fiber COMPLETELY from their diets cured their constipation. 7
So it’s pretty obvious that eating more fiber won’t help.
Same goes for the myth of “drinking water”.
Sure, everyone needs to drink water.
But what about laxatives?
Those are the WORST.
Even the Mayo Clinic admits that using them too much can basically “shut down” your colon.9
But apparently, it’s how quickly your gut can push poop through your system.
He told me a lot of experts claim that “slow colon transit times” cause constipation…
Before he bluntly said those “experts” are wrong.
It turns out that in most cases, it’s not a “timing” issue.
See, he told me that just a couple of years ago, two guys won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering little sensors in your gut that are really important for digestion.9
As long as there’s a nice slippery layer of jello, everything glides along smoothly.
This “Slippery Gut Gel” also protects all the delicate nerves lining your gut, prevents leaky gut, supports good gut bacteria, and even fights off
parasites.11 12 13 14
So it’s really freakin’ important.
Which is why, if that “Slippery Gut Gel” starts to dry out…
Your poop goes from gliding down a slick slide covered in jello…
To getting stuck on a slide made of shredded tires.
Everything gets stuck.
Your poop gets hard and difficult to pass…
Your gut gets inflamed…
And the nerves in your intestines get irritated.
This leaves you with those painful, rock-hard "rabbit pellets" that feel almost impossible to get out.
But it gets worse…
And just like how a big pile of stinky garbage attracts all kinds of bugs and pests…
Your body starts breeding bad bacteria and parasites.
Now, it was the first time I ever heard anything like this.
I mean, for one, how does your gut even GET like that in the first place?
Turns out, age is a big factor.
Just like how your skin dries out as you get older, your gut does the same thing.
But another BIG CULPRIT are sneaky little food chemicals called "emulsifiers"...
They’re SUPPOSED to help food last longer on the shelf.
You might see them listed as:
Polysorbate 60, Stearyl citrate, Sodium alginate, Pectin, Cellulose gum, Lecithin and so on…
They’re in all sorts of things we eat every day…
Things like ice cream, chocolate, peanut butter, bread, pastries, sauces, processed meats, cookies, candies… and the list goes on.
And get this…
And Alex said that these emulsifiers are like little "moisture vampires" in your gut…
Sucking up all that slippery gut gel that helps your poop slide through your system…
And drying out your gut like an old prune in the desert.
Now, sure, you can try to avoid these sneaky toxins…
I mean, GOOD LUCK, right?
Plus, since the big, greedy food companies put these synthetic preservatives in practically EVERYTHING to make food last longer…
They’re just really hard to avoid — no matter WHAT you do.
Which is just ANOTHER REASON why taking care of your “Slippery Gut Gel” is so important.
Well, at this point, my head was spinning with all this new info.
And you might be feeling the same way.
How the heck do you fix it?!
Alex just smiled, before calmly explaining that you only need to do two simple things:
And as far as he knew…
He’s the only researcher who has found a solution that actually replenishes that dried-out gut gel… while flushing out stuck poop at the same time.
It’s an ultra simple protocol…
And the best part?
“Okay, well,
how does it work?!”
I asked him.
At first, Alex laughed…
Then he sheepishly admitted he’d always had something of a sweet tooth…
And strangely enough, THAT was what led him to discover the first part of this protocol.
See, most people don’t know this…
But many, many years ago…
The ancient Egyptians revered a delicious, honey-soaked delicacy.15
It was almost like CANDY for them.
And it was SO highly prized…
That only Pharaohs, Queens and the Gods were allowed to eat it.
Well, when Alex looked into this…
In fact, ancient Egyptian, Greek and even Roman doctors used it for EXACTLY that purpose.16
What is it?
Well, it’s something called...
See, marshmallows used to be made with this EXACT same root extract…
Because it contains something called “mucilage”. 17
And Alex explained that this “mucilage” is like a superbooster for “Slippery Gut Gel”…
And a bunch of studies prove just how amazing this stuff really is:
It’s like how athletes use Vaseline to cover up cuts and scrapes.
But don’t worry, I’ll show you a great source of real marshmallow root extract after this story.
Anyway, getting back on track, Alex told me that was just THE FIRST part of his protocol...
Because he said there’s actually ANOTHER “candy ingredient” shown to soothe your gut...
And it’s called...
Alex explained that there are over 30 different types of licorice plants…
But unfortunately, almost all of the “licorice” you can get at the stores doesn’t have any real licorice in it.
Most are flavored with anise oil, which TASTES like licorice, but has almost none of its benefits.
That’s why he uses a special kind of licorice — one that’s been eaten for centuries — to heal gut issues.
Studies show it can help with boosting amounts of “Slippery Gut Gel”, reduce inflammation, and help with good gut bacteria26 27 28...
Which is HUGE.
Because when your gut microbiome is healthy, everything works better...
But that's not all…
Alex also pointed to a study where they gave licorice extract to people with really BAD gut bacteria…
As Alex kept sharing study after study with me, I was blown away.30 31
But that’s not even the best part.
Alex said that while Marshmallow and Licorice Root Extracts both work wonders for the gut…
The first is...
Which, just like its name suggests, creates a slick gel that coats and protects anything it touches. (Like your gut.)
And one study showed that a mixture containing Slippery Elm Bark…
Significantly increased bowel movement frequency… while reducing straining, abdominal pain, bloating, and even gas.33
Then there’s...
Which translates to "sacred bark" in Spanish.
It's been used for centuries by Native Americans to flush out their digestive systems, and relieve constipation...
And a European study found that Cascara is highly effective at supporting healthy bowel movements and relieving
"build up"34 35...
While in another study of 90 patients...
Nearly 70% of the women who took Cascara saw significant improvements in how often they went to the bathroom, and how comfortable their bowel movements were. 36
Crazy, right?
Doesn't that sound amazing?
Because Alex told me that his protocol also contains...
Which not only enhances gut lining integrity, it can help relieve bloating, support regular bowel movements, and even kill dangerous bugs.37
It also acts like a magnet to attract and trap toxins, bad bacteria38 as well as heavy metals.39
And it’s so powerful, it was even used to clean up the water supply after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.40 41
Then there’s...
Which some Italians and other cultures use as a delicious “sprinkle” for their desserts.
But it’s actually an ancient medicinal herb that was considered one of the five holy herbs of ancient China42 43...
And people used this during the Bubonic Plague to help stop the disease from spreading44...
Recent research shows it can help get rid of gas-causing bacteria, and support the barrier function of the gut.45 46
Testing hundreds — if not thousands — of different combinations…
And since then, it’s been working like CLOCKWORK for thousands of people.
Now, when I heard all this, I couldn’t help but feel hopeful.
I thought about going out with my friends and family again.
I fantasized about finally eating my favorite foods that I thought I’d never be able to eat again.
And I could already see myself wearing my favorite outfits again, without having to worry that I’d be too bloated to fit into them…
I was practically bouncing in my seat.
But I had to know if this would actually work for ME.
So I NEEDED to put it to the test.
And when I asked Alex where I could get everything I needed…
He said he’d ship everything to my house.
I knew I had nothing to lose... (Except all that stubborn stuck poop that was making my life miserable.)
I took two out, and swallowed them with a big glass of water.
The capsules were tiny and easy to swallow, and I didn't notice any weird taste…
And by that same evening… I'd already gone twice!
Now, that might not sound like a big deal...
But for someone like me who was used to going DAYS without a single productive BM...
It was incredible.
And these weren't just any bowel movements, either...
I barely had to push.
It was like I'd lost 5 pounds in one day!
But it didn't stop there...
The next morning, I took two more of those little capsules…
And again, I had another huge bowel movement.
This time, my belly looked visibly flatter.
My pants felt looser.
And I had so much more energy!
I didn't feel bloated or uncomfortable anymore...
And as the days passed, it just got better and better.
With each BM, I felt lighter...
More like myself again.
And after just one week, I'd lost
7 pounds…
For the first time in years, I felt in control of my body again.
I didn't have to worry about being too far from a bathroom...
Or having to cancel plans because of a sudden bout of constipation.
Without my digestive issues holding me back.
It was like a whole new world had opened up for me...
And it was all thanks to Alex and his amazing formula.
Now, I'll be honest...
Pooping isn't exactly a topic most people like to discuss.
But when I started telling my friends about the incredible transformation I'd experienced...
They almost couldn't believe it when I told them how this simple protocol helped me eliminate 7 pounds of old, stuck poop in just a few days...
Without any painful straining or pushing.
They were even more shocked when I showed them how flat my stomach was, for the first time in decades...
And when I told them I hadn't changed my diet or started exercising at all...
That it was simply from clearing out all that stuck poop...
The same stuck poop that had been clogging me up and making my life miserable for who knows how long.
Luciel M. 67, Florida shared…
"I was desperate. No matter what I did, I couldn't go. My whole life was being spoiled simply because I couldn't go. Then I got this from Jennifer.
Let me tell you something… you can add up all the products I'd taken… and match that up against ONE PILL of THIS.
I now go like a normal person. I'm regular, and it's been tremendous for my marriage.
You will lose 10 pounds… there will be a smile on your face you can't wash off… Thank you, Jennifer.” †
- Luciel M (67), Florida
And Martin T. 59, California wrote:
"I gotta be honest. I'd thought this wasn't for me. I go to the bathroom every single morning at 8 am. Why would I need this?
Well… I'm here to tell you that I did need it, and trying it was the best thing I ever did for my health. I had a pot belly. And I thought it was fat. But as I dieted, and saw how it didn't work… I tried this formula, and on the first day, I started to feel something.
Within 2 hours, I was on the toilet relieving myself. It felt great. I actually saw my stomach go down a little after that...
But 3 hours later, I had to go again. I was thinking to myself, again? I didn't even eat anything. It's not just for people who are constipated. We are all carrying a lot of extra poop weight.
I went again. And again. I went 7 times, in the next 3 days... And I lost an entire inch off my belly.
No dieting. I feel more confident in the bedroom and outside of it... I just feel lighter and freer. I have more energy, and I simply look a lot better in my clothes.
There is no way I can possibly thank you for the fact that I actually feel 20 years younger." †
- Martin T (59), California
There are millions of people out there suffering like I was...
Feeling hopeless and frustrated...
Being largely dismissed, and even flat-out ignored by their doctors…
And grasping at the same straws that haven’t been working…
Thinking they just have to live with their digestive problems forever.
But they don't.
And that's why I'm sharing my story with you today...
Because I want you to experience the same transformation I did.
I want you to know what it feels like to wake up each morning excited to start your day…
Instead of dreading the pain and discomfort you know is coming.
I want you to be able to button your pants without having to suck in your stomach.
And most of all...
And I know it can do the same for you too.
Luckily, Alex was one step ahead of me.
In fact, he’d already partnered with one of the most top-notch natural health companies located right here in the USA…
They’re called “Simple Promise™”.
And their “simple promise” is that every capsule of this formula is held to the highest standards of quality and purity.
And by working with Simple Promise™, Alex has created an ADVANCED version of this protocol that contains EVEN MORE powerful ingredients...
The ancient Egyptians called Aloe the "plant of immortality" and it was given as a burial gift to their dead pharaohs.47 48
One recent study found aloe could reduce bloating, cramping, and irregular bowel movements by a whopping 41%...49 50
While another clinical study found it decreased abdominal pain and discomfort by 92.8% and relieved bloating and gas by 91.9% . 51
Alex’s improved formula also includes...
Which have been shown to help rev up your metabolism, promote good gut bacteria, fight off toxins, flush out and heal your gut, and even potentially
burn fat.
Pretty amazing, right?
Now, we're beyond excited to share this breakthrough with you today...
So you too can finally break free from the chains of digestive pain...
And reclaim the freedom to live life on your own terms.
You could eliminate to 10 pounds of old, stuck poop from your belly…
Shrink your bloated stomach, and get a flatter tummy without any dieting…
All while enjoying effortless bowel movements every single morning.
Instead of missing events, or worrying about where the nearest
bathroom is…
Imagine having a calm, cast-iron stomach that lets you eat whatever you want — without
“paying for it” later.
You can go wherever you want…
Do whatever you want…
And live a normal, strain-free life on your terms…
“I’d been trying to find something to help with bloating and being backed up, but nothing worked.
I swear, I looked a smooth 3 months pregnant. I tried this, and took 2 capsules at bedtime and drank plenty of water during the day — and maaaaan, it really empties you out. It doesn’t give you the horrible stomach cramping the way other products do.
I’m getting ready to buy another bottle now.” †
- Lucy Rose (52), Kansas
“Day 1, not much happened, but OH MY GOODNESS—Day 2 and beyond, the levy broke. I'm on Day 6 right now, and I'm feeling better. I would definitely purchase this again.” †
- Vicki G (61), Utah
“I took the first serving in the evening, not expecting much. I’ve tried so many other things that I’m pretty skeptical. But about 14 hours later, the first wave hit. I feel so much better. This product does what it says, and that is the scary part. :) I highly recommend it, if you struggle with constipation.” †
- Micheal L (70), Nevada
“I used to hate my bathroom because I’d have to sit inside there for hours, just to go once in a blue moon. But now the bathroom is like my new favorite room. Haha. I will say, though—if you take it the first day and it doesn’t work, just wait. That’s how it was for me too. The first day, nothing; the second day, everything changed.” †
- Dana T (68), Oklahoma
Drink a lot of water.
And make sure you’ve got some air freshener and a good book handy.
You’re going to be in the bathroom for a while.
Your first bowel movement will feel amazing… a total relief.
But then… as the day goes on...
You’ll go again…
And again…
And again.
Thankfully, this isn’t permanent, and it really only happens the first few times since there’s so much to “clear out”.
That’s why you’ll want to be near a bathroom...
Because once it starts working, it starts working immediately.
And after taking this product, some loose stools are totally normal.
Remember, it’s just the formulation dissolving the toxic, caked-on sludge in your gut…
And making it “marshmallow-soft”, so it can slide out the other end.
So expect your first bowel movement within 2 hours...
And if things get a bit TOO runny, you can cut down to 1 pill a day...
And in case you were wondering, Simple Promise™ only uses premium ingredients that have been tested for purity.
This ensures BellyFlush™ is free of harsh chemicals that do more harm than good.
And every bottle of BellyFlush™ is made in an FDA-inspected U.S. facility that Simple Promise™ oversees to guarantee the highest quality...
Which is just one reason why it's no wonder that BellyFlush™ is constantly selling out.
In the last 6 months alone, over hundreds of grateful customers have discovered the life-changing powers of this breakthrough formula...
So keeping BellyFlush™ in stock has been extremely challenging.
Look, I’m confident that BellyFlush™ will clear you out in the first week.
But one week isn’t enough as a long-term fix.
I want to make sure you get long-term results.
It’s why I highly recommend using BellyFlush™ for at least 180 days.
Plus, the transformation here goes far beyond just fixing your digestive issues…
Because as the gut-healing nutrients in BellyFlush™ get absorbed into your body and start working their magic…
You'll also be ridding your insides of the harmful bacteria and rotting stuck poop that’s draining your energy and making you feel like a sluggish, irritable mess…
You'll save yourself the time, money, and hassle associated with those unproductive doctor visits, expensive medications, and following more social media trends that don’t actually work.
And unlike all the temporary band-aids you've likely tried in the past…
BellyFlush™ works in more ways than one.
While restoring your slippery gut gel for long-term relief.
That way, you can start "getting it all out" from Day 1...
While staying regular in the long run.
So I think you'd agree that even if
Simple Promise™ were to charge $99 per bottle of BellyFlush™ today, like they do on their main site…
It would be an absolute bargain.
I mean, $99 to completely eliminate painful constipation, embarrassing gas, and unsightly bloating?
That's a no-brainer.
But the great news is that you're not going to invest anything close to $99 for a single bottle of BellyFlush™ today.
You'll finally be able to get relief from those debilitating digestive issues.
And you can do it for less than the cost of a cheap cup of coffee.
And it’s also the ideal length of time to ensure that you restart your gut's natural waste-removal process.
It’s also more than enough time to make sure every trace of toxic buildup in your gut is gone for good…
You won’t just feel more comfortable and confident…
You’ll also restore every aspect of your health and happiness from the inside out.
At Simple Promise™, we are so sure of the effectiveness of our product that we are willing to put the entire risk on us.
Our industry best 365 Days Money Back Guarantee states that either you're 100% satisfied, or your money back.
You can place your order safely and knowing that absolutely nothing can go wrong. Give BellyFlush™ a try and see the difference it would bring to your life.
If at any time you are not happy with BellyFlush™, just send back your empty bottles and we will refund you immediately.
No questions asked.
We pride ourselves in our product and service and want you to be absolutely satisfied.
I know I said it takes at least 180 days for BellyFlush™ to truly work its magic…
So it would be silly and dishonest of me to offer anything less than a 180-day guarantee, right?
That’s why I pleaded with Alex and the folks at Simple Promise™ to offer a
money-back guarantee.
And an extra 185 days after that to GUARANTEE that your stomach issues are gone for good!
Just contact the friendly customer service team at Simple Promise™ for a full refund — even if you've used up every single bottle.
That's our ironclad promise to you.
Simple Promise™ firmly believes every company should operate this way.
Either you love BellyFlush™, or it’s free.
It doesn't get much simpler than that, does it?
BellyFlush™ alone is enough to get you regular, and remove all the stuck poop.
However, I’m throwing them in because I want to reward folks for their commitment.
So here are the extra bonuses you’ll get with the multi-bottle packages.
The first one is called:
Fermented foods like kimchi and kombucha have been in the limelight for their role in improving levels of healthy bacteria in your gut.
In this guide, we share the BEST fermented foods to support your gut, and a few recipes too.
If you are a picky eater, don’t worry—there is something in here for everyone.
Usually, this book would cost you $29…
But today, Simple Promise™ is giving it out for FREE to anyone who orders the
3-or 6-bottle package.
As for the second bonus…
It’s called:
We all know a good diet is important.
And we’ve all heard that food can be like medicine. This is so true for your gut.
That’s why we created this special gut health plan.
Written by the researchers at
Simple Promise™, it’s filled with 40 EASY meals and recipes to help you heal your gut with food.
This guide normally retails for $59.
And last but not least…
The final bonus is called:
Many of our customers who struggle with digestive issues often have chronic inflammation as well. If you have this problem too, you will love this bonus!
It contains several recipes to support your immune system, and calm inflammation in your body.
The best part? The recipes are delicious, simple to cook, and easy to incorporate into your life.
And while it normally retails for $29…
You’ll get this bonus FREE, when you order the 3-or 6-bottle package of BellyFlush™ today.
So, to summarize…
I repeat. DON’T feel pressured to get these guides.
They’re there as a complementary resource.
BellyFlush™ alone is more than enough.
The only reason I’m throwing these bonuses in for free with the 3- and 6-bottle packages, is to match your commitment.
I know I used to strain on the toilet for hours without relief.
I know what it’s like to have a bloated, bulging belly.
Feeling my clothes pull against my gassy, bloated belly made me feel gross...
And the unwanted comments from everyone around me made my situation so much more unbearable.
I was terrified of social events…
Refused to eat out...
And was always hovering near a bathroom in case of a flare-up.
And on top of all that, I wasn’t sleeping well, thanks to my stomach pains...
So I constantly felt drained, had low energy, and was foggy.
Add on all the horrible things I read about constipation online…
All the diseases and extended health issues it could cause over time…
And I was worrying myself sick.
And then when I finally went to the doctor’s, it felt like I wasn’t being taken seriously.
It felt like they just wanted to get me out of their office.
“Here’re some laxatives. Try eating more fiber and drinking more water.”
“Are you sure it’s not just anxiety?”
“Your tests came back normal.
Are you sure it’s not all in your head?”
I just wanted to scream.
That wasn’t how I wanted to spend my golden years…
My quality of life kept sinking lower and lower as the list of foods that made me sick kept growing longer and longer…
At that point, I wasn’t even living.
I was barely surviving.
A future where you have...
And it's right within your reach…
But you're the only one who can make this decision.
Once you do that, your order will be quickly shipped out to you in a discreet package…
And you'll be able to start taking
BellyFlush™ right away.
Just two tiny capsules each morning...
That's all it takes for this gut-soothing formulation to work…
Coating your insides to heal and restore your slippery gut gel...
So you can finally stop worrying about your stomach — once and for all.
Just picture yourself waking up each morning...
Strolling to the bathroom with a smile… and having a full, satisfying release without exerting yourself.
No more straining on the toilet for hours… just to pop out a disappointing little rabbit pellet.
No more feeling gassy, bloated, and grossed out in public...
No more stomach pains, and no more feeling weighed down and lethargic…
The confidence and joy that comes with a gut that works the way God intended is priceless.
Ask me how I know.
Once this current batch is gone, it will take months to get more...
So seize this chance to end your digestive misery for good.
And once you're done, your BellyFlush™ will be shipped out right away!
In just a few short days…
You'll have the power to end your stomach issues, and reclaim the life and freedom you deserve.
You’ve got nothing to lose (except pounds of stuck poop), and a whole new life to gain.
Our 365-day money-back guarantee means you will never really lose out because you can get your money back with a simple phone call or email.
So I strongly urge you to give BellyFlush™ a chance — risk-free — for the sake of your present and future health.
All three are yours to keep, with the 3- and 6-bottle packages.
That’s an additional value of $117, ON TOP of the special discounted prices being offered on this website.
Now’s the time.
Still there?
Wow, that was a lot to take in, huh?
So, like I said, it's all about that “slippery gut gel”.
When it dries out...
Your poop goes from gliding down a water slide coated in jello…
To being dragged across a bone-dry sidewalk.
This causes poop to essentially get “stuck”.
Problems like:
But BellyFlush™ has unique ingredients that naturally repair and lubricate your gut.
These natural “gut lubricants” get things moving again to give you quick relief...
While other special ingredients in BellyFlush™ work to restore the slippery gut gel that helps all that stuck poop slide right out...
No exertion or straining required.
Think of it as a gentle way to flush out all the stuck poop in your belly.
BellyFlush™ is made for people who are:
In general, if you go less than once a day, you’re likely constipated, or at risk of becoming constipated — which means BellyFlush™ is for you.
However, after large-scale testing, we’ve found that absolutely everyone can benefit from
There isn’t a single person on earth who isn’t carrying some extra rotting food in their belly.
So even if your digestion and bowel movements seem “good enough” right now, you could still benefit from BellyFlush™.
Everyone needs a flush-out now and again…
And by keeping your gut clean and your slippery gut gel healthy, you can avoid having a higher risk of cancer too.
It absolutely does — and even better than expected.
What you don’t know is, there are literally thousands of other stories I could have shared, but there’s simply not enough time.
BellyFlush™ truly works. And it works fast too.
Also remember, you’ve got that 365-day money-back guarantee from
Simple Promise™, so
BellyFlush™ HAS to work or they lose your business.
Some people see results right away.
Some have their first bowel movement within 2 hours.
For others, it happens on Day 2.
Everyone’s body is different.
But on average, you can expect 5–6 more bowel movements over the next few days, after you start on
I recommend that you try to avoid making plans, and avoid being out and about, when you start taking
Its initial effects will go away after the first week or so, after your gut has cleared itself out.
But until then, expect to go a lot more than you normally would.
Here are all the ingredients in BellyFlush™.
And let me remind you,
BellyFlush™ contains ONLY premium natural ingredients...
And every bottle of
BellyFlush™ is made in an
FDA-inspected U.S. facility that Simple Promise™ oversees to guarantee the highest quality.
It’s taken orally.
The capsules are flavor-free, sugar-free, and safe for vegetarians.
They’re also quite slick, which helps them go down easily.
Just take 2 capsules a day.
I normally take them in the morning with a meal and a huge glass of water.
You don’t HAVE to take them in the morning, but unless you want to be up all night pooping, I’d recommend taking them after you wake up.
Drinking a lot of water with
BellyFlush™ is
very important.
Now, as you know, some customers experienced really incredible weight loss results with BellyFlush™.
But if you lose too much weight, there’s no reason to be concerned.
Simply take 1 capsule of
BellyFlush™, instead of 2.
The problem should resolve itself pretty quickly.
I’m incredibly confident when I say BellyFlush™ will help you...
It’s also why every order of
BellyFlush™ is backed by a 365-Day
Money-Back Guarantee.
If, for any reason, you don’t like it, simply email the amazing
Simple Promise™ team, or call them at 1-800-259-9522 and they will refund you.
You’ll get back every single penny that you paid — no questions asked.
Scroll down to the “Buy Now” button right now.
This is your only chance to get today’s special insider pricing.
And as I mentioned, there have been a lot of out-of-stock issues over the last couple of years.
So I urge you to take this chance now, to stock up while you can.
If you come back to our website, and see that this page is down or there’s a SOLD OUT message, you will likely need to wait 3–6 months.
That’s how long it’s been taking Simple Promise™ to restock
So act now.
Everything starts with a good poop that puts you in a good mood...
And this is all GUARANTEED to happen when you choose to
Giving up more and more delicious food, just to keep things from getting worse, is no way to live.
And expecting your loved ones to keep putting their lives on hold for you because of your stomach issues is DEFINITELY no way to live.
Grab your chance now, to experience full and satisfying poops with the power of
It’s as if you could wake up each morning and make a deal with your stomach...
You give your stomach a little more than a dollar… and all that gas, bloating and constipation goes away.
How good would it feel to finally get rid of all that stuck poop once and for all?
And clearly, all that stuck poop isn’t coming out on its own.
If it was, you wouldn’t still be here.
You’re moments away from being able to finally flush out all of that stuck, hard, dried-out poop.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve got 5, 10, or even 15 pounds of poop stuck inside you.
It could all be gone in as quickly as 24 hours, even if you’ve dealt with constipation your whole life.
Just give BellyFlush™ a shot, and watch as your belly shrinks.
Enjoy easy, comfortable bowel movements every morning...
And reclaim your life, your confidence, and your energy.
The kind that leaves you feeling clean and empty, instead of backed up and gross.
Imagine enjoying life once more, without worrying if your gut is going to start acting up again.
Picture yourself happy and laughing with loved ones, free from stomach issues...
And get ready to finally enjoy life feeling calm, relaxed, and present with those around you.
The time is now.
And with that 365-day money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose.
(Well, except all that stuck, dried-out poop that’s been making you so miserable.)
All I can do is plead with you to do something kind for yourself...
To finally enjoy life again, without feeling like a burden to your friends and family.
If you’re like me, you’ve probably already wasted money on laxatives, fiber supplements, and crazy diets.
And you already know none of those
so-called “solutions” have ANY guarantees.
I’m not asking you to decide right now.
I’m asking you to just say “maybe”.
After that, you’ve got an entire year to decide if it’s working.
So please, just give BellyFlush™ a fair shot — for yourself, and everyone who loves and cares about you.
And look, if you have any questions, the amazing Simple Promise™ support team is there for you 24/7, ready to help.
These people are the real deal—real humans who truly care about your success and happiness.
You could close this page and keep living with an unpredictable gut...
You could keep living with the same stomach issues that only seem to get worse every day...
And you could let things get to the point where NOTHING comes out, and your only option is a trip to the emergency room...
Or you could take the leap, like countless others already have.
You can start living a life where you never even have to think about your stomach.
Get your BellyFlush™ now, while you still can.
Take this chance and save big, as you make your way to a flat belly, say goodbye to embarrassing gas, and welcome a life free of constipation.
You are so close to the relief you've been dreaming of.
The same relief you’ve been praying for, every single time you sit on the porcelain throne.
Choose the one that feels right for you.
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